Monday, November 12, 2012

October 26, 2012 - Crusade

In the morning we went out into the local village with our list of needy individuals again.  We had a little 7 yr old boy named Joshua as a guide this time.  He took us to the home of an elderly woman who was caring for her grandsons.  We were taking a mosquito net to her.  She told us her hands hurt all the time, and her knuckles were all swollen, so we were guessing it was arthritis.  Lori asked me to pray for her, and I did.  Some others prayed as well, and as the time passed, she said her hands were getting better!  Richard gave her the gospel story, she had not heard about Jesus, only His name before.  She liked what he was telling her, but she said she was afraid to make the choice because others in the village might hurt her.  (the Muslim neighbors)  Her two grandsons were there too, listening, and they decided to give their lives to Jesus.  (See before and after pictures)  

Later that day, the Crusade began.  They started worship around 3 or 4 I think, we could hear it back at our place.  We showed up around 6 in time for Chris O to preach.  We walked in through the crowd like a pack of celebrities, it's a very strange feeling - all eyes on us, kids rushing in to grab our hands and be the ones to walk us in...  We got up on the stage and took our seats behind the worship dancers.  I love African worship so much!!  It's so filled with joy!  I was kinda bummed we only got to be there for a couple songs.  Chris preaches like an African preacher, screaming the whole time.  Add the translator working at the same intensity, it's comical, but I don't handle the loudness too well.  Chris preached an awesome gospel message and many people came forward to get saved at the end!  

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