Saturday, April 30, 2016

April 30 update

Just over 2 weeks to go now!  I'm both excited and nervous.  This is a pretty big ordeal.  Lots of money, lots of unknowns, lots of new things...

Alex tells me the walls are up and ready for the roof now, so this is a view from atop a ladder.  Yay!  

I am about to take the last chunk of $$ out of my retirement account on Monday so I can finish the house, get solar panels, and whatever other costs I run into during my 3 month stay.  

What can you do to partner with me in this you ask??

I need your prayers first and foremost.  My back is still not 100% and I need it to be.  I will be doing some physical labor and lots of walking and that will not be very pleasant with a tweaked out back.  Pray for safety and health.  Pray that God will connect me with people who will be a part of the team on the ground.  I am looking for "spiritual parents" to have contact points to send new believers to to help them grow in the Lord.  Pray for good connection between myself and Alex and Violet as we brainstorm and pray for what God has for us moving forward.  And of course, God will be doing some major renovations in my heart I'm sure.  He always does.

And yes, I could use some financial help as well.  I can't know for sure how much I will need to spend while I'm in Uganda, so I am looking at the possibility of returning with no money.  I have accounted for August rent already, but any other bills and expenses when I first get back will be up in the air.  I have a couple people who have sent me donations regularly, so they will at least get me thru the first week or so.  If I end up with leftover money it will just be put into the Uganda account for next time.  

  • Checks to Jessie Osborne can be mailed to 652 Almond St.  Yuba City, CA 95991
  • Paypal - Jessie Osborne or
  • Facebook pay -
Even after I'm gone, these will get into my bank account and I can access with debit card while I'm over there if I need it. 

I'll update this blog regularly while I'm away.  Keep me bookmarked and I'll let you know what I'm up to, what needs I've run into, and more specifics on how you can pray.  

Thanks friends.  Here is one more picture, Alex tells me this is the view out my bedroom window at sunset .  Uganda does have beautiful sunrises / sunsets.  :) 

Friday, April 22, 2016

25 Days to Go

Less than a month now.  I think I've got most of the details taken care of now.  I'm waiting on God still to take care of a few things.  I would very much appreciate people willing to pray for me while I'm away.  This is an intimidating task, to head off to Uganda, just me, hanging out with the local people, only mzungu in sight.  lol  -- It's a different world and I don't yet know all the rules.  I know i'm going to get a rude awakening as to how much work life takes there.  Life is so easy here, we're so spoiled with all our appliances and comforts.  I look forward to learning, but I know it will be difficult for this old fat body of mine.  ;)  I will be smaller when I get back I'm sure.  :)

Pray for safety, provision, and that I would see what I need to see to strategize for the future.  Pray that I meet awesome people that will join me in my mission as we move forward.

Thank y'all.  If you have any other questions, please feel free to message me.  Make sure to bookmark this blog so you don't miss any posts as I'm away.  I will update as much as I'm able.  Not sure if pictures will be doable, but I'll try.  :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

More House

Just a little over a month to go....  The house will have the basic structure up very soon, the walls are quick!!  I have just found that we will need solar power, an added expense I was not figuring into my budget.  Alex tells me that the regular electricity will be very expensive as the house is a bit outside the bulk of town, they would charge us for the power poles to get out to our house.  He tells me solar panels are $580 each and we need at least 2 of them.  If anyone feels led to help us out with this part of the project it would be a huge deal!

It's happening!!  This is for real!!  I can't even get my mind around this.  If you've ever been to another country, you might know that it is a different world, so much so that it seems unreal from here.  I am in a weird emotional state about this trip.  I can't quite think it's actually real.  I am looking forward to so many things about this visit.  I will get to see old friend I haven't seen in 6 yrs, meet my newest nephew, see again the other one...  Hanging out in the country I love for almost 3 months!!  I know God has great things planned for me, so I'm just leaving myself open to whatever He has in mind.  All is well.  Uganda, here I come!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

So it Begins

Construction has begun on the house!!  I have wired Alex the majority of the money for the house so they could get started.  The rainy season is coming and can make building difficult, so we're trying to get the house up before then.  Well, that and I don't want to have to live without a bathroom for too long.  ;)

Very different process, so I'm fascinated to see how this goes.  Hopefully Alex will be able to upload more pictures as we go so I can see.  I will share as I am able.  

Pretty good sized footprint it looks like.  Gonna be awesome!!  I will bring another $2K with me when I go to finish out the process.  Alex and I will be painting the house ourselves to save on labor costs.  It's gonna be fun!

Please pray for me as I come to mind.  This is a pretty big thing I'm doing (in my mind) Pray for my safety and provision and that God will make my path clear as I seek out connections in the village.  I will be stepping outside my comfort zone in a major way, so pray for courage.  :)  Thanks friends!

And another new picture of another day....