Monday, April 11, 2016

More House

Just a little over a month to go....  The house will have the basic structure up very soon, the walls are quick!!  I have just found that we will need solar power, an added expense I was not figuring into my budget.  Alex tells me that the regular electricity will be very expensive as the house is a bit outside the bulk of town, they would charge us for the power poles to get out to our house.  He tells me solar panels are $580 each and we need at least 2 of them.  If anyone feels led to help us out with this part of the project it would be a huge deal!

It's happening!!  This is for real!!  I can't even get my mind around this.  If you've ever been to another country, you might know that it is a different world, so much so that it seems unreal from here.  I am in a weird emotional state about this trip.  I can't quite think it's actually real.  I am looking forward to so many things about this visit.  I will get to see old friend I haven't seen in 6 yrs, meet my newest nephew, see again the other one...  Hanging out in the country I love for almost 3 months!!  I know God has great things planned for me, so I'm just leaving myself open to whatever He has in mind.  All is well.  Uganda, here I come!!

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